This is a Photoshop project I have done for the sake of biology. It is a mix between the Bird Man(Famous Rapper), and a bird(Flying animal).
"Convicted by Juries, Exonerated by Science" Project
In class, we did multiple processes that helped us to visualize he four steps in DNA processing, Isolation, Amplification, Separation, and Analysis. The activity we used to understand isolation of DNA was one in which we made necklaces containing our own isolated DNA. We studied the Amplification step through the interwebs in a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) online lab. The final steps in DNA processing, Separation and Analysis, were learned through a Gel Electrophoresis lab we partook in. These technologies have allowed innocent people in cases which DNA evidence was collected to be exonerated by comparing the evidence to the exoneree’s DNA sample.
For my project, I was assigned to create a poster and handouts explaining Electrophoresis along with demonstrating a Gel Electrophoresis in our whole school exhibition. The purpose of my portion of this project was to show the audience a major part of what is done to exonerate innocent people. The role my project mostly played was connecting what we did in class to the projects we displayed.
In this unit, I learned the importance of DNA Forensics in in multiple instances, how DNA forensics are carried out, and studied multiple cases in which people were exonerated through DNA Forensics. A connection I made was between an in class activity, gel electrophoresis, to the tape sculptures other students exhibited. I made this connection by explaining the importance of gel electrophoresis in the exoneration of the individuals they studied. I was indeed very proud of the work I displayed at exhibition and feel I have worked a generally wholesome amount to create my final product. If I were to do this project again, I would change it in an aspect to add another aspect to the sculptures to add academic application to their projects.
Project Reflection Human Function Project
In class prior to this project, we learned about human function and diseases. This curriculum included AIDS/HIV, Human Systems, and other general biological subjects.
The Purpose of this project is to inform the outside community about a biological system. We do this via a website in which one member of each group formulated a page on. The link to my group's website is below this reflection along with the link to my biology blog.
The work was divided so that each person had a different role along with their page they posted their work. these roles were assigned by preference of role and area of interest and also chance. My role was to research and I chose to conduct a survey on AHS 9th and 10th graders upon their knowledge of safe sex and opinion on abortion. I then wrote an analytical paper on these results.
I was most proud of the introduction part of my research paper because it was the most refined of all my work in this project. I would like to refine my conclusion if i were to go back and change this project because it was the least refined due to it being rushed. on the next project, I will refine my time management and get my work done in a good time frame. I found relevance in the results to the safe sex knowledge part of my survey because this actually contributed to a cause greater than the other results. These results contribute to what the sex ed. class will teach us and show what our school knows.
On my biology blog, I will post summaries or explanations of certain things we are studying in class.